
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sisters quilt show preview

I was volunteering today in the quilt show office and had a unique opportunity to see some amazing quilts right up close. 

Here is Sisters before the show!  It's a lovely town, very small and charming. On quilt show day, the streets are closed to traffic and are filled with people!

The Stitchin Post is a great shop as well. They always have wonderful quilts hung outside, too. 

This is inside:
Notice the lack of people!! Next week you won't be able to get in the door, after their classes start!

Here are the quilts they had outside. They have definitely gone in the direction of more modern quilting 

This is a yellow brick road pattern with brights!!

There are flower baskets hanging all through the town. 

I loved this label. 

Not my style but I loved this. Here are some close ups!  The quilting was also phenomenal!
See Santa in the doorway?? Check out the quilting!!


There will be a special exhibit of quilts sewn by a group of quilters who interpreted Gone With the Wind. I think their group is called Cover to Cover. I saw some very creative quilts!
These are chandeliers!

And the plantation, of course. Tara!

Here were some other lovely quilts:
I'm a sucker for feathered star quilts. This one had some really tiny pieces!

How about all these?!

Then this one had more great quilting on a simple quilt:

This was a modern Dresden plate, which I'd never heard of:

And I loved this log cabin with an interesting sashing:

I think the show will be great this year, with some wonderful special exhibits, including one devoted to quilts by MEN!! I wonder if Kevin H. knew about that!

I'm already excited and I only worked in the office half a day!  How will I ever see all the quilts??

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Binding on- check

I put the binding on one of the quilts I'm going to try to sell at the quilt show in Sisters. Honestly, if it doesn't sell I won't be upset. I never made a quilt for baby Jack, who is now 2!!! And my son's wife is having a boy (!!!) in November. Of course I still haven't made their wedding quilt yet. Vbg

This was made using orphan blocks in my own design. Can you tell that I like stars??!!!

I'm trying to decide what to do with my leftovers from the French General quilt. I do not want to put them  back in the stash!!  

What do you do??  Someone suggested lozenges so I started cutting rectangles:
I want easy and quick that will use them up!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Finished something, at last!

Since I arrived in Oregon, I've been trying to finish a couple of ufos. I did finish the snowmen blue work last week, which was great but small. 

This week I've been plugging away on my French General quilt which was a kit from Country Sampler in Spring Green, Wisconsin. I absolutely love the fabrics!!  My problem was the size of the blocks. They gave instructions for 9-1/2" finished blocks and I kept getting confused with the 10" number!! That's the drawback to starting and stopping!!

I wound up having to add spacers to get the rows to match. It was something I could've avoided if I'd sewn on it consistently. Instead I worked on it in increments. Lesson learned!! Vbg 

Now there is still extra fabric and my friend Janet O. suggested a little challenge between us!  I have cut up the rest of the fabrics and divided them in two. I'm sending her a package and we are each going to make a very small 12" mini using the same fabrics!!  I'll let you know how that goes. I think it's a great idea!

I also whipped up the Circa 2016 blocks for this week and I have to admit that one of them gave me some trouble. It is because the pieces are so tiny and I'm not always super accurate!!

Here is the first one, with the correction!!

When I did the next one, I used skinnier seams!!

Now what next?? My  friend Anne arrives Monday so I have time to work on something else in the meantime!! I'm getting very excited for my friends' arrival next week !! Sisters quilt show is a week from Saturday!! I'm dropping my quilts off on Thursday!  Also hoping to meet Lori tomorrow!!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Great little quilt show

I ran into Bend today and stopped in at Quiltworks, which has a different quilt exhibit each month. This month was showcasing the quilts of Prudence  Lay. I will say that I loved all of them. And to top it off, she had my friend Sandy Lachowski do the quilting, which was gorgeous. 

I have this book and her darling quilt is very motivating!!

This was a Temecula Quilts sew a long. Love these adorable 4"blocks!

Cute baskets. The handles were sewn down by machine!!

And this is their row by row:
I had to buy the kit!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Portable design wall

A while ago, I ordered this portable design wall on Mass Drop. I was waiting until I was at the cabin in Oregon to set it up!! Today is the day!  And I'm going to try it out in advance of the sewing retreat going on here in two weeks before the Sisters Quilt show!

I think I still want to put something up on the wall but for now, this will work. 

Perfect opportunity for me to unveil my hexagons, which I've worked on for years (very infrequently, obviously!!)

It is much better up on the wall rather than in my lap!
My plan was to appliqué it onto a gorgeous DiFord fabric I found in Wisconsin but sadly the package was lost in the mail so I'm  going to find something else. That shouldn't be too difficult!! 

And now back to the French General top, which I'm going to finish this week!! Oh, and put on the borders for the snowman quilt (RED!!)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

A little bit more sewing

Who knew that flags could be so much fun??!!!!

I think I made this one too large. Oops!

And I made my Circa 2016 blocks, too:

I love this chicken fabric!!

I'm packing up to head up to Sunriver. In just two more weeks our sewing retreat starts as a prelude to the Sisters quilt show!!  I'm so looking forward to having friends at our new cabin there!  I get to spend the next week by myself!  I'm waiting for the rest of my furniture to arrive!!  What a great excuse!

Hopefully I'll get lots of sewing done. But what to take???!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I am caught up in the Circa 2016 blocks. I love this little project. I can do two 3" blocks a week!!! Vbg 

Still love this French General line!!

Never saw a basket I didn't love!!

And I found this red snowman border fabric online. What do you think?? The little cornerstones have red in them and I'm  thinking I'm going to add little buttons (with red) after it's quilted.