
Monday, February 14, 2022

My dog ate my....

Good morning... let's play this again.  Exposed was such fun!!  I loved all the clever responses! Thanks for playing along!

My dog ate my....

my dog loves to snag any fabric that he can and last week he grabbed a 6" block I was going to appliqué--the stem was sewn down but not the leaf my husband grabbed the block out of his mouth but the leaf was GONE!!  GRRRR

I sewed more appliqué blocks for the Corinne et Céçile sew along ... I only have a couple more and I'm going to start putting it all together!

These were fun blocks to piece and appliqué down.  It's going to make a great quilt for the baby!

I've mentioned my dog to you many times--here's a chance to get a perspective on his size. There's a purple leaf in there somewhere! VBG

Hope you have a great week.  Did you watch the Super Bowl?  We enjoyed the game (can't say we're big football fans, though) and the food (!!) !~

Take care, stay healthy and SEW!



  1. Oh that naughty Zeke! I guess that means you can't leave needles in your blocks. Removing my needle every time would be a hard habit for me to break. Good thing he is so cute and lovable! Your blocks are gorgeous. I haven't even started my appliqued ones. This week for sure!! Stay healthy and happy.

  2. So, I see Zeke thinks he's a lap puppy ;))), what a riot!! My son's Kota was so big and thought she was one, too...they are so loveable, how can you not let them sit on you (ooof!!) *:D
    Your blocks are really pretty--nice colors--so rich looking..hugs, Julierose

  3. Our pets do like to join us in our crafts.

  4. Be glad that Zeke only stole a fabric leaf! Years ago our boxer loved to eat batting. That meant a trip to the vet and medicine. Sigh.

  5. Love your blocks. Aqua, teal, and purple; great combination. Love the horseshoe fabric. Zeke is a huge dog! Oh! My! Give him a big hug from me please. My dog ate ... nothing. I don't have a dog. ;^)

  6. My dog ate my rug. She literally ate half a rug and then had a very expensive surgery to removed said rug fibers from her GI tract. Oh my goodness.

  7. My dog ate the cord to my almost new sewing lamp. This puppy is so cute, but honestly, there are many moments my husband and I discuss selling this puppy! He also ate the damper pedal to my digital baby grand piano, my curling iron, etc. He is now excluded from most of the rooms in our house! Yet, George still lives here and is well loved. After all, he is just a baby.

  8. We never watch whatever the game may be. Got good things to do instead. The dog! Eating fabric leaf! OH! hopefully you can make another.

  9. My dogs were good, they only ate dog food and items found outside. One ate a rug he found in the woods, cost $1500 to extricate. My rabbit however has put holes in every quilt he could reach, plus all wires, and remote control buttons.

  10. Oh Zeke~ he's just a big baby and loves mommy.
    sorry about the missing leaf!!
    boo hoo on the Bengals but I made the best artichoke spinach dip :)

  11. That is pretty funny about the leaf being in that big, fluffy, overgrown puppy somewhere.
    I do love your color palette for your SAL.
    No, I am not a pro football fan--have never watched a super bowl in my life.
    I have been away from blogs for a while and it sounds like I need to go back and see what I missed.
