Wendy Reed has inspired me to try to get rid of some of my ufos, by doing a mini each month. My minis will not be anything like the quality of certain GREAT mini-makers (ahem... Janet O!!)... but they will be done. I went first to my collection of orphan blocks. I made this little piece a few years ago, just as an experiment. I put batting, backing and quilted it over the weekend. I also used Janet O's process of binding it--I used single 1-1/2" binding and I sewed the corners at 45* as she showed in her demo. I have no idea what I will do with it, nor did its completion reduce the pile of UFO/orphan blocks! But one down is more than I had done before! Now onto February's submission!
I think I mentioned that I've been participating in Céçile's little sew along -- this year it's basket blocks (last year was log cabin blocks). I love that you can make them however you'd like. What's amazing is how creative some people's have turned out. Mine are pretty basic but I did play around with different sizes and patterns. We need to have made 16 by March 15th and have them assembled. I haven't yet decided how I'm going to put them together. that'll be the challenge since they are all different sizes. I used many different resources, so that was fun.
All my churn dash swap blocks went into the mail as well so I do feel as though I've accomplished something but honestly---looking around at my mess of a sewing room isn't making me feel very accomplished. It's almost an obstacle course getting to the sewing machine, with boxes of projects strewn on the floor.... Maybe that should be my next project! CLEANING... vbg
I was looking through my books for a simple quilt pattern book for my grandson who has taken to sewing and I came across a group of books I know I'm never going to use. So, following my friend Lori's lead, I'm going to sell them here. I will mail them using media mail...those prices range from $2.63 - $4.10 max. If you buy more than one, I'll combine postage. All these books are just about brand new, although some are old. I have a PayPal account and can mail them out this week only. We are going to Las Vegas to see Elton John on Friday for the weekend and then Hawaii with my son and his family. So you have 5 days to claim them: 1. Farmhouse Quilter's Companion by Cabbage Rose (1998) https://www.amazon.com/Farmhouse-Quilters-Companion-Barbara-Brandenburg/dp/B000NQB136/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519581103&sr=8-1&keywords=farmhouse+quilters+companion $3.50 plus postage 2. Wildflowers, Patchwork from the Meadow (Little Quilts, 1996) https://www.amazon.com/Wildflowers-Patchwork-Meadow-Alice-Berg/dp/B000NIH0PM/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581211&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=Wildlowers+patchwork+from+the+meadow $3.00 plus postage 3. Fields of Flowers, Kansas Troubles Quilters (1998) https://www.amazon.com/Fields-Flannels-Flowers-Troubles-Quilters/dp/B0006R7YBA/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581305&sr=1-1&keywords=Fields+of+flowers%2C+kansas+troubles+quilters $5.00 plus postage 4. Fabulous Feedsack Quilts (1999) https://www.amazon.com/Fields-Flannels-Flowers-Troubles-Quilters/dp/B0006R7YBA/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581305&sr=1-1&keywords=Fields+of+flowers%2C+kansas+troubles+quilters $5.00 plus postage 5. Favorite timeless Patterns for Today's quilter (1999) https://www.amazon.com/Favorite-Timeless-Patterns-Todays-Quilter/dp/1885588313/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581526&sr=1-1&keywords=favorite+timeless+patterns+for+today%27s+quilter $3.00 plus postage 6. Farmhouse Quilts, Into The Woods by Liberty Homestead (2000) https://www.amazon.com/Farmhouse-Quilts-Into-the-Woods/dp/B0011443NY/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581628&sr=1-1&keywords=farmhouse+quilts%2C+into+the+woods $5.00 plus postage. SOLD 7. Pennies from Heaven (Gretchen Gibbons 2010) https://www.amazon.com/Pennies-Heaven-Celebrated-Companion-Projects/dp/1604680016/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581681&sr=1-3&keywords=Pennies+from+Heaven $15.00 plus postage SOLD 8. Quilt in a Day Delectable Mountains Quilt (Eleanor Burns 2001) https://www.amazon.com/Delectable-Mountains-Quilt-Day/dp/1891776088/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581775&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=Delectable+Mountains+quilt%2C+quiltin+a+day $3.00 plus postage 9. Borders, Bindings & Edges (Sally Collins 2004) https://www.amazon.com/Borders-Bindings-Edges-Finishing-Paperback/dp/B002G8AUHW/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581848&sr=1-2&keywords=borders%2C+bindings+and+edges $3.50 plus postage 10. Four Seasons in Flannel (Jean Wells/Lawry Thorn, 2002) https://www.amazon.com/Four-Seasons-Flannel-Projects-Quilts/dp/1571201785/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581934&sr=1-1&keywords=Four+Seasons+in+Flannel $3.00 plus postage 11. No Sweat Flannel Quilts (Beth Garretson 2004) https://www.amazon.com/No-Sweat-Flannel-Quilts-Garretson-2004-07-04/dp/B01FIYKHX2/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519581987&sr=1-2&keywords=No+sweat+flannel+quilts $5.00 plus postage 12. Czecherboard Quilts (Rose Ann Cook, 2012) https://www.amazon.com/Czecherboard-Quilts-Stories-fathers-family/dp/1611690579/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519582085&sr=1-1&keywords=Czecherboard+quilts $3.50 plus postage 13. Thimbleberries In Celebration of Quilting (2008 hardcover) https://www.amazon.com/Thimbleberries-Celebration-Quilting-Lynette-Jensen/dp/0981804020/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519582176&sr=1-1&keywords=In+Celebration+of+quilting%2C+thimbleberries $3.00 plus postage 14. Quilts, 1700-2010 Hidden Histories, Untold Stories (V&A Museum 2010) https://www.amazon.com/Quilts-1700-2010-Hidden-Histories-Stories/dp/1851776087/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1519582265&sr=1-1&keywords=quilts+1700-2010+hidden+histories%2C+untold+stories $10.00 plus postage Baskets are done and I'll post pictures tomorrow! Just need to decide how to set them, since they are all different sizes!
In a moment of weakness, I signed up to participate in Barb Vedder's swap involving what seemed like a small number of churn dash blocks. I also decided to branch out and do modern ones rather than my usual reproduction fabrics. It turned out I needed to make 54! They were fun, and I did enjoy using these bright modern fabrics. They were not quick, though. VBG I did have a couple of times when I had to undo my sewing! I did this while watching some olympic skating so I think I was distracted!
When I signed up, I had planned to use my stash of modern Kaffe Fassett fabrics; when I saw the rules, I found that the brights needed to be solids, of which I did not have a single one! UGH. Oh well. time to shop. I found some gorgeous solid fabrics which I am hoping to find a use for soon! Definitely do not want to add to my stash.
I had hoped to go with my friend Claire to Quilt-Con down in Palm Springs this week but it just wouldn't work with getting my mom settled. Hopefully Claire will have a great time. I did have a chance to meet up with Lori, before she jetted off on her mission to Columbia. We had a fun lunch together last week.
We did have a bit of snow while we were in Sunriver this past week and it was just beautiful. Of course I don't live in this weather full time and I didn't go out and shovel or use the snow blower so it's easy for me to say how beautiful it is!
My mom seems to be doing ok, although I haven't even left yet and I have to take her to the doctor tomorrow morning. We are driving back to California tomorrow, as we have the darlings this weekend! And I need to get back to my baskets!
I wish everyone a lovely, fun loving Valentine's Day, regardless of how you spend it. I think even just wearing a red sweater makes the day sweeter! I have a quilt to share with you. This was made from a swap I think I hosted many years ago. It's perfect for today! I don't think you can tell that the border is red hearts that are shiny! And my binding is wavy white lines on black. Probably should've cut the fabric the other way, but oh well. Here is the back, which was a way for me to try to use extra blocks and extra fabrics!
Getting my mom settled in her new Assisted Living has really relieved me of a lot of stress I didn't realize I was living with. I have finally been able to do some sewing without it feeling like work! I am trying to finish up the swap being organized by Barb Vedder... I need to make 54 churn dash blocks that are BRIGHT and MODERN! I decided to try something different. My plan is to set the block using my Kaffe Fassett fabrics I've been collecting.
Here are the beauties I picked up at Rosie's last weekend: I had to buy solids as well some lights that seem more modern. It's kind of fun sewing with completely different colors and themes. I'm enjoying it, honestly. When I joined the swap, I had thought I could use up my Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I later learned the fabrics needed to be solids! YIKES. I didn't have a single one that was all solid (not even mottled would work)... so shopping was required! Just what I needed... more fabrics! My mom seems to be adapting very well to her new home. She's been walking all over the place, excited to be free from the confines of the board & care place she has been in for the past 2 months. She's getting fed regularly and someone will clean her apartment every week. I think she will have a much better life than she had previously, even without the driving. She just couldn't handle the independence any more... new life stage which she is embracing. Gotta give her lots of credit for her positive attitude!
I did a little sewing tonight getting ready to fly tomorrow with my mom up to Bend. I spent the day getting organized and finally sat down to the machine. I whipped up 3 new baskets for the Bea et Cecile challenge.
I had a business trip this weekend down to San Diego and was quite eager to get to Rosie's, which is truly one of the most amazing quilt stores I've ever seen. I borrowed a car from and friend and made my way over there as soon as I was able. I just had to share with you some of the aisles of fabric that they have. This is a store that you really need to have a project in mind when you go there. If not, you'll be completely overwhelmed with all the possibilities!
I did buy fabric specific to the swap being handled by Barb Vedder and the baskets of Cecile in France. I also found some more fabric for the rest of the triangle gatherings project. I saw an adorable pin cushion/pattern they were selling so while I have many more pin cushions than I need, I couldn't resist this.
Monday is the day I am flying my mom from California up to Bend to move her into her new home at the Assisted Living Facility. I think she's very excited and it's really cute to hear her gush about her excitement at starting her new life -- at 90 yrs old! Gotta love her spirit. We took her to her mobile home and thought there'd be tears and sadness at choosing what to take with her, and leaving the majority of the rest. But instead she was pretty good about selecting only her favorite things. My car is packed with her stuff... and that's IT! I'll let you know how it goes! Fingers crossed! Thanks to all of you who sent me such kind thoughts. Caring for elderly parents really is a difficult experience under any circumstances and I know that there are a lot of you who have devoted years to your parents. Bless you all. ;-)
I think I mentioned to you that my 8 yr old grandson has decided that he's old enough to sew on my machine by himself (I do insist that I am in the room with him). This weekend, he wanted to play with my charm squares and sewed up this cute little piece. He is finally starting to sew right sides together!
We had my daughter's 3 kids for the weekend and my son came over as well so we had all 4 grandkids. I went and picked up my mom from the board and care home so she'd have a chance to spend some time with the kids before I move her up to Bend in a week. Here she is with the kids.
I did a little sewing while my grandson was sewing and whipped up another bag. It was a friend's birthday recently and I'm going to give her this Hawaiian bag! I hope she likes it!
Thanks for so many comments and outpouring of support. The handling of elderly parents is such a common problem that is rarely talked about in public, I think... I did decide I wanted to do something last week so I whipped up a small bag using some adorable fabric I found in my stash... Bad Hair Day ( is my daily problem... curly, frizzy...) is a great fabric to play around with!
And for the lining I used some Quilt Diva fabric!
I use these types of bags for everything. This one came in handy to carry around papers relating to my mom this week. FYI: it's a pattern by Penny Sturges (Quilts Illustrated) called Charm Party Tote. It's small, which is great. 11x14x4~ I didn't bother with pockets and used pre-made straps! I'm going to make one for a friend's birthday using Hawaiian fabrics! Hope you have a great weekend. We have our grandkids over for the weekend, and we will enjoy some unusually warm weather. I'm going to pick my mom up from the board and care home and bring her over so she can see the kids before she moves up to Bend. My daughter told me that my mom called her today, becoming very emotional talking about Rachel's kids and how much my mom has enjoyed watching them grow up... Have to look on the positive side... my mom will see everyone up in Sunriver this summer!
I've been completely consumed with trying to find a suitable location to move my 90 yr old mom once she is ready to leave the Board and Care home. We learned a few weeks ago that she is not able to go home and live by herself anymore, due to her dementia and confusion as well as her instability. I'm happy to report that we are moving her to a lovely Assisted Living facility in Bend Oregon in two weeks. WHEW. I won't go into the details of the call I got from Adult Protective Services following up on someone's complaint about my moving my mom up to Oregon...an organization that investigates abuse and neglect. @#$@#$$# Still hasn't helped my energy level. But I have done a little sewing...Been trying to keep up on the baskets project being organized by Bea and Cecile in France.
This is a basket quilt I made about 15 yrs ago in an Asilomar class with Alex Anderson. It is one of my favorites! I have always loved basket blocks so I'm enjoying this project from France!
I'm hoping that February will afford me more energy and strength to sew more and post more often. Thanks to those who asked about me during my long silence. ;-))