I returned yesterday from a wonderful anniversary celebration trip to mostly Wisconsin, touring quilting shops and breweries! What a combination!! My husband is a great sport, I'll tell ya. But after 34 years, he's used to me. VBG. Thanks to everyone for their very kind good wishes!
Our first stop was in Janesville to visit Pat and DarLynn. Pat's shop, Life's A Stitch, is probably my all-time favorite shop ever. Here's a photo of us on Pat's back deck. She has a beautiful piece of property which we would love to own if only it weren't in Wisconsin!! Also, DarLynn does absolutely beautiful work making shop samples for Pat and he's a picture of her latest. They are wonderful friends who I just love seeing!

One of the places Mark and I visited was JJ's Stitches in Sun Prairie. While in the town, we saw signs advertising a Sweet Corn Festival. Never one to pass up some local flavor, we walked over there and experienced an amazing spectacle. It was like a county fair, with corn being the main attraction. They sold cardboard "boxes" for $6, which you could fill as high as you wanted with corn. I think we wound up with 8 ears...and obviously didn't eat them all. But the process by which they steam the corn, sort it out etc, was amazing. Here is a photo of the rejects being moved from the "loading" area to the "trash".
Just before I left, I visited with my darling grandson, Ryan, and we did our usual ritual of taking my car to be washed. They have a miniature golf set up for while you wait. Here he is playing with a golf club.
Don't you love their tummies?? I could eat it up!
Oh, I forgot to announce the winner of the Gingher Snips. It goes to:
Atleast that's the name she posted to me. So, QUILTMOM, get in touch with me and send me your snail mail address so I can send these snips out your way. Thanks to everyone who was hoping for a chance to receive these. I think giveaways are GREAT.
I'll be back in a day or so. And I have figured out my border for the string 1930s quilt!