The All-Stars quilt group meets twice a month; they are a prolific group of women and I always enjoy my time with them.
Today we met and worked on a group project organized by Brenda. Brilliant idea. We were going to all make string blocks for a large quilt; several brought their strips along (I brought a pile, I am delighted to report, which got all used up today! that's a first!). Brenda pre-cut some lightweight muslin (for a stabilizer - what a great idea -- and black polka dot fabric for the middle of all the blocks!!).
This is some of what we made:

Here are some of the latest quilts the women made to donate. They really are a talented group of women and produce quilt after quilt.

Not for kids but from the same group of talented women is this adorable quilt which Brenda has made through a round-robin she joined. Not sure if you can tell that there are little foot-steps that someone made out of denim. Really a great little quilt.

My sewing at home hasn't been super productive. These little sew-alongs are going to be my end... I think next year I'll curtail my involvement in them. But for now...
I made three blocks for the new little sew-along using the adorable Quirky Little Quilts book from Temecula Quilts. Do you see that little wood box where I have my scissors and rotary cutters? Isn't that adorable? I bought that when we visited Temecula Quilts last month in San Diego. Keeps my cutting table just a tiny bit more organized.

I head back up to San Francisco tomorrow afternoon to pick up my daughter's kids since she still hasn't found a nanny; we also will be lucky enough to have them at our house this weekend (and little Eli will be here too since his mom is in town to pack up their house for their move to Quantico... ;-( ]. We will have 4 little grandkids all under one roof! How awesome is that!!!!!