I mentioned before that I've been working almost exclusively (when I've had a chance to sit at the machine, that is!) on finishing up the Moda Blockheads II project. Mine is red/white/blue. I couldn't even tell you how many blocks there are. I fell a bit behind (of course) but decided recently that I wanted it finished. So I've got all the sections pieced together (I must admit that I substituted some blocks and made other changes..my quilt, right??!!). Now I'm debating whether to add sashing (a very light fabric with small red/white/blue stars) or not. I originally thought YES I wanted it. But I photographed the sections with and without. I'm not so sure I want the sashing now! What do you think?? with sashing vs.
I haven't worked on anything else in a while, although I did go back to Washington, DC twice in September, so that counts for something, right? I'm going to try to get my September mini done today, though! Have to decide what to use. And after I finish a long project, I always find it difficult to transition to another project. So I'm now currently "unattached"!! vbg I am pretty sure I mentioned that in January, my son joined the Marines to be a reserve officer. He just completed the second phase of his training and we went back for the graduation last week. We are sure proud of him. He gave up his entire life at 30 yrs old to give this a try. He was one of the "oldest" in the group. Such a rigorous training they put these young men through.
Once again, who knows where the time has gone??!! I've done some sewing and am excited to share with you my progress. But first I want to share this adorable picture of Eli, my son's 3 yr old. I went to visit them two weeks ago in DC (waiting for the new baby to be born) and found in Eli's room the quilt I made for my son back in 1991 after I had just completed a very lengthy and exhausting murder trial. I made each of my kids the same pattern but different fabrics. Talk about full circle! I know the year because I embroidered 1991-- no labels in those days! I noticed that the binding is fraying a bit and I might borrow it to repair it!
We drove back and forth to the cabin a couple of times in August and I got a fair amount of my hand sewing done. These are two more blocks for the Primitive Gatherings Twilight quilt from last year.
This one is almost done. I will take it with me for the flight back to DC this weekend, as we are going for my son's graduation from the next phase of the Marine Reserve program he's been participating in since January. I've already started prepping the next block to take along. When we were at the cabin, I learned that someone I used to work with was diagnosed with liver cancer so I quickly went to work to finish up a quilt I could send him. This is from Bonnie's modified trip around the world. I started this several years ago and have been collecting 2-1/2" strips just for these blocks. They go together so quickly. I had some extra blocks so I pieced the back! But then I decided I didn't want to wait until I got it back from the long arm quilter so I looked through my piles and found this quilt, made from a cheater cloth, and decided I'd give this to him instead. I delivered it last week and he and his wife were in tears at receiving this gift, since he's always so cold now. ;-(
My builder's wife was elated with the quilt I sent her last month and sent me this adorable picture of her with the quilt I sent. I love sending quilts to people who are ill; getting a picture of them with the quilt is a bonus! I have one more person just diagnosed with breast cancer (she used to work at the Memory Care where my mom is living and I never met her) who needs a quilt! It's one of my favorite things to do with my quilts! I also did the cheddarback blocks for this month, although I haven't figured out the letter blocks. I thought I had a book of letters but can't find it.
My most recent progress has been on the Moda Blockheads II. I'm determined to finish all the blocks and start to put them together! I worked on the appliqué blocks this week. I was unsure if I was going to do them or opt for alternatives but, in the end, I just pushed on. I'm doing my quilt in red/white/blue and found a homespun for the basket, so I'm happy with that.
I also got a bunch of the pieced blocks finished!
Can you spot the mistake? I saw it after I hung it on the design wall... easy fix, if I'm motivated! This last one I made isn't one of my favorites. Kind of a hodge-podge but it'll work. there are a LOT of blocks so I don't think this one's busy-ness will matter.
Doesn't seem like much progress, I'm sad to say. We had the grandkids with us at the cabin until late August and then we drove them back to SF and then turned around and went back up to the cabin for Labor Day. Hope you are enjoying the last vestiges of summer-- and that everyone in your world is healthy and doing well! That's the most important thing, isn't it??!! We need to appreciate what we have, every day we get to enjoy. I'm becoming more philosophical. I am done with people who aren't positive or appreciative of the good things. I for one am grateful I'm alive, I am healthy, I have a wonderful family and more love from friends and family than I could ever dream of.