I was on my way back from getting my flu shot this morning when I drove past a new shop with stuff outside (I thought it was an consignment shop--it's an antique store) and I saw something that caught my eye so I stopped. I had recently seen that someone used an antique metal laundry basket to hold their scraps and I thought that was a great idea. Looked on Amazon and it was pretty pricey. So I saw one at this little antique shop. I didn't buy it but I found something else adorable and much more affordable. I'm guessing it was a bread basket in a former life (pain means bread in French)...note my toile window seat cover! I do have a bias towards things French for sure.
I thought it'd be perfect to hold my scraps... so I quickly dumped my previous tupperware container's contents, thinking I'd have plenty of room leftover... WRONG... Filled it right up, but now I can SEE what's inside. I'm really excited about this...
Don't want to mislead you into thinking this is my only pile of scraps... NO... it's the one by my cutting mat. I have two others overflowing near my sewing machine... Oh and another basket on the floor. So many scraps... so little time!!
This weekend, a local nursery held its annual quilt show in the garden. I don't usually go because it's about an hour away but this year, since we didn't have the kids, we decided to take the drive. What a treat. This is one of the nicest places to buy plants I've ever seen. The majority of the quilts were by Eleanor Burns, who was the featured quilter and displayed probably close to 100 quilts! Alex Anderson lives nearby so she was prominently featured as well, including a booth and her demonstrations. This was what we saw as we entered the nursery grounds. I loved the wool applique so had to take a closer picture. Up close I noticed that the quilter did not do buttonhole stitches. She did a different kind of stitch, which looked equally nice. I couldn't get a closer shot to show you as the quilt was too high up.
Look at the size of this tree!! This was just one of many. By the way, the pig quilt on the right had the most adorable pig fabric on the back, too! This was one of my favorites of them all!
I really liked this log cabin variation. It's an Eleanor Burns quilt as are the ones above, I believe. The sashing was printed not pieced. I am always looking for the right pattern for me to make a quilt using some of the Kaffe Fassett fabrics I've been collecting.
This one is a mini. I loved how she did the mini stars and the flag. Remember I tried to piece a flag recently and it was pretty sad. This one is adorable.
There was a really interesting exhibit by one woman who sewed people as if they were sitting on a bench.
Clever, don't you think? This one was right by Alex Anderson and is called "Sizzle"-- it's the 2019 BOM by thequiltshow.com. It was designed by Becky Goldsmith. Thank you Dottie Daybell and Barbara Black for giving me the correct information about this quilt. I love the colors.
Hope you enjoyed the little show. Tomorrow I'll show you my second quilt using the rest of the Triangle Gatherings blocks. Used them all up! WOOHOO. Just need to put on borders. I realized something this weekend. I have so much fabric and so many quilts I want to make that the temptation is sometimes overwhelming. I want to make this one and that one; then there's another one I want to make. Where to begin?? Know what I mean??
Thanks to Wendy Reed (Constantquilter) for pointing this out, I've decided to post a picture of one of my favorite completed quilt. This was a Temecula Quilts sew-along a few years ago. We didn't know how it would turn out but ultimately there's just something about it that I love.
Many of you participated in the Primitive Gatherings Triangle Gatherings sew-along last year, as did I. I put together most of my blocks (there are 98) and just got it back from my fabulous machine quilter, Sandy Lachowski in Bend. I had an 8 hr drive back home this week from our cabin and spent the time sewing down the binding. It's a king size quilt, so it took be the full 8 hrs to get it done! No wonder I like sewing bindings down by machine!! It wasn't going to work on this quilt, so I did it by hand! VBG I had to lay it down on my driveway in order to get the whole thing, although I still cut off the corners. My binding is scrappy; I also did the borders in differing fabrics, as are the setting triangles and cornerstones. It's a truly scrappy quilt! I put it on my grandson's bed this weekend and he loved having the quilt on his bed~ you may remember that he helped me sew some of the blocks last year by following the diagrams and arranging the half square triangles in the proper configuration. I also was able to finish more of the little freebie basket blocks from Primitive Gatherings.
When I returned from the cabin, I was also able to pick up my mail containing the fabulous little basket mini quilt from Janet O.
Those tiny tiny baskets are all of 2" finished!! Aren't they amazing??!! Just beautiful. I hung it immediately next to my computer so I can admire and marvel at its beauty all the time. And those feathers??!! WOWZER. Just love it. Thank you Janet O, again. I don't mean to forget either the fabulous soaps she included in the package.
First Friday is always a big deal in Bend, year-round. The quilt store, QuiltWorks, always has a little party and a sale to coincide with First Friday. I've mentioned that they also have a monthly quilt display in their upstairs balcony. This month's show was half modern quilt and the other half was from a string challenge with the local guild. First the "modern traditional" quilts. I'm hoping I didn't mix up the labels with the quilts. I didn't love any of the quilts enough that I wanted to make them, but I think they're worth examining. I like the concept of modern traditionalism!
I loved this one-- there is some amazing quilting and I love that she combined the picture onto fabric with a quilt pattern. Sure looks like Sunriver in the winter!
The local guild had a string quilt challenge and I really did love so many of their creations. I have so many selvages-- I think this is a great idea to make use of them. Might be the perfect September mini, Wendy Reed and Janet O!!
Here's a close-up of one of the blocks, in case you are tempted to make something like this! Great idea for a quilt of valor, Kevin H!! I'm guessing her blocks are 3", although you could make them whatever size you wanted.
I think she originally was following one of Bonnie Hunter's quilt patterns and then changed it a bit. Looks lovely! In a moment of weakness, I bought this center panel. I did not buy the kit or the accompanying fabrics. I thought it might make a fun quilt...and at 20% off, how could I resist? I did buy a few other things, I will admit.
And what have I been doing the past few days, besides our outdoor activities, trying to enjoy the weather before it starts to become fall and cool? Pulled out a ufo from last year, trying to get it done. It's part of the Primitive Gatherings Summer Block of the Week, 2017. I have all the center of the blocks done but they all need these tiny tiny half square triangles (1")--36 for each block and there are a dozen blocks! I have the finishing pattern in California and can hopefully make a dent in these remaining 9 blocks before we head back to California on Wednesday. The top one is the one I just worked on yesterday; the other two were done last year.
Tonight marks the start of the most significant Jewish holidays, celebrating the start of the Jewish New Year. Tonight is Erev Rosh Hashanah and tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah. There are services in the local synagogue here in Bend, which is great. The entire holiday is actually 10 days, culminating in Yom Kippur, next week, which is the day for fasting and repenting. I will admit that I don't really fast but do spend the day thinking of the next year and how I can be a better person. Always a worthwhile expenditure of time, don't you think?
I worked on a couple more diamond tiles but just loved the song that came into my head with this one. "Let me tell you 'bout the birds and the bees and the flowers in the trees..." HEHEHE The center is cut from Di Ford's fabrics, which I just love. Don't you love the needle and thread in the background?? ;-)
And I did one of the newest Moda Blockheads... I did the easiest and quickest... Working on the other one--there are now two per week!
And, the sunsets recently have been amazing, sadly because of the fires. I failed to bring along my good camera; this was just from my iphone. The camera sadly doesn't capture the colors very well.
Been working on the Moda Blockheads II latest block, which is a flower. I decided to embellish mine with grass and bees! My colors are red/white/blue, so I was a bit limited in my choices, but fun nevertheless.
And I finished another one of the Primitive Gatherings flower baskets this week, going back and forth into Bend to check on my mom. I have one more block with me to finish up!
And of course the diamond tiles continue to multiply. I really am enjoying the fussy cutting. Someone suggested I give it to my grandkids (make one for each?) and I think that's a great idea! Aren't quilters the best??!!
Now that I've finished my August mini and it's on its way to Janet O, I've had some time to focus on other projects. I did finish another little Primitive Gatherings Freebie, which I am just loving. I finished that up on the drive up to the cabin; have two more in process and I'm almost done, except for the finish, which I haven't even figured out yet. I might even go so far as to say that I'm getting my stem stitch figured out...maybe! I've also been working on Bonnie H's block, the diamond tiles. I love that block. I can precut the pieces and them whip them up. Sadly, one block was missing one piece so I had to substitute. No big deal, right?? Not particularly noticeable, hopefully. I didn't have any more of the original green so I had to scrounge around the cabin for something close.
One of my favorite parts of this block is the ability to fussy cut the centers; and to play around with coordinating the 3 other fabrics. These are the latest blocks I've been making this week.
Sadly, in the middle of my progress, my little iron died. These little ones are great for pressing individual blocks next to my machine and they don't last terribly long but I was still very sad to lose this one. I did have one of those little Rowenta irons here at the cabin so I was able to substitute. Have you had better luck with any little irons? I'd love to hear about it. I have covered little tv tables (from when we'd eat tv dinners in front of the tv when I was a kid!) and set one up adjacent to my machine. It's perfect. No need to get up! VBG Hope everyone is enjoying a great last weekend of summer.