First off, Sujata Shah was the "featured quilter" and although I wasn't able to stay for her talk, I did enjoy looking at her quilts. Of most interest to me was her NOT making sure her points were "pointy"!! Right up my alley. This square in a square quilt out of really bright fabrics doesn't have a single point! I love it. Makes me feel much better about my difficulty in keeping points. Who cares? Right??

Another "ah-ha" moment came for me when I saw this little bag made out of a mini (incidentally it was made by a woman in the small quilt group I belong to...Sharon Cooper... will have to compliment her tomorrow when we sew together!). Isn't this a great idea for using up a mini? And I strongly believe that you can never have too many bags. I love making bags!

I was also impressed with this kid quilt both because she used the accuquilt for the vehicles but she also used wide rick-rack for the "roads". Ingenious.

When I was in San Diego, I found a kid panel that could be an alphabet book or a quilt. I cut them apart and then saw two quilts, either of which I think would make a great setting! It's all about the setting!

Then I saw this small applique quilt which had a great setting. Years ago, I made a bunch of Baltimore Album blocks but never put them together, since I felt I hadn't made enough. Once I saw this, I figured the outer border would work as a way to tie the blocks I've done together.

More about settings. I loved this star quilt. I think Alex Anderson has one in her book that's similar. But what I loved most about this quilt was the way she made the outer zig-zag border. No flying geese. Just half square triangles!

Next I was really taken with these few quilts that were made in a class with Freddie Moran. I took a house class with her many years ago but she's now doing flowers/vases. I think this could be fun and I could probably do this without taking the class (especially since I missed it!). Aren't they awesome?! I have lots of large floral fabrics, although I don't think these would use up very much fabric!

See the butterflies and the falling petals??

How many birds do you see???
The one "large" purchase I made was for a pattern of a quilt I've wanted to make after having seen it in a magazine. And, talk about why two people are friends-- I was with my friend Anne today and she told me about the one pattern that she bought at the show. YUP... she got the SAME one!

The woman selling the pattern is a long-arm quilter and I grabbed her card because I think her quilting is fabulous.
Not sure when I'll make this quilt, but it's on my list!
Have a great week. I'm sort of sad I'm not at the cabin this week because there has been so much snow... 2 feet since yesterday. My husband would be in snow-blower heaven right now! And I'd be stuck inside and would only be able to read or sew! DARN...