In anticipation of my driving back up to the cabin, I decided I needed to get my August mini done since the month is drawing to a close fast and furiously! I found these blocks in a zip lock bag on a bookshelf in my sewing room and decided I could just put them together and call it good. I'm meeting my friend Sandy who does my long arm quilting on Monday and I wanted to have something to give her! Note that it needs to be pressed!
I pulled a couple of stash yardage to put it together and have to say that to me, it's MEH!! So I scouted for a floral border and grabbed this French General: I think it's still BLAH... Maybe it's the blocks that are just boring; I don't even remember making them, to be honest! Then I thought maybe I'd perk it up with something wild and crazy and give it to a kid. Any thoughts? Or suggestions? It is definitely going to be a donation quilt, I'll tell you that! But I did use up random blocks that were sitting on a shelf...that zip lock baggie is now empty and ready to be re-used... so that's something, right??!! I have also been slowly playing around with a panel I bought last month, with the intent of making it into a kid quilt. My son's wife is due to deliver their baby in a couple of weeks and I think it might make a cute baby quilt for the new grandson! It was a large panel with lots of cars; I cut them out at 8" and am adding bright and fun sashings. Cute, don't you think?? Hope you're having a great weekend!! I'm looking forward to getting some sewing done this week before our friends arrive. The cabin is EMPTY... I see ghosts everywhere--the kids just left on Monday and my memory of them taking over the cabin is so fresh... I see them doing everything. But that's life, right?? They are already back in school and their month with us at the cabin is a memory.
Our cabin is about 500+ miles from our house in California and it takes 8+ hrs to make the drive (that's with one QUICK potty/gas stop only). My dh loves to drive so it gives me an opportunity to work on my handwork during the trips. I've finished many small projects over the years. Recently I've been working on the Primitive Gatherings Summer Block of the Month (from 2018!!) and am enjoying it immensely, even though it took me almost a year to get started. I'm almost done with the second block!
The red is much more burgundy than it shows in the picture. I've prepared the next block for the next drive back up to the cabin, which will be tomorrow! Yes, it's a round trip in just 5 days... we had to return the grandkids to SF because they started school today; we are going back for the next few weeks because I LOVE being there for Labor Day (the weather always has a dramatic change and you can feel it in the air!); we also have some friends coming to visit. On another topic, we love our cabin and we had a phenomenal builder. I ran into him a couple of weeks ago and he told me that his wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has to undergo the usual chemo, radiation and surgery. Immediately I told him I'd send off a quilt to her. So when I got back to California, I finished up this quilt, which had been waiting to be sent to a needy person and it's on its way to her now.
I think I need to make smaller quilts which would function as a lap quilt! Know what I mean? Maybe these large quilts are over-rated!! ;-) This was a jelly-roll type quilt that I made using left-over scraps from a much smaller project. I still am needing to do my Pam Buda monthly project for August AND my August mini... my favorite "task-master" will be wondering what's taking so long!!! (just kidding, Wendy Reed!! You know I love you!! You keep me on task!!)
The Mt. Bachelor Quilt Guild show yesterday did not disappoint! First thing I saw when I approached the park was the gorgeous Singer 99! YUP, I had to have her... that's even though I've been selling all my old machines to downsize. OOPS!! It was $89. How could I pass that up? Its original owner was there and showed me how to open the case and get the machine to work. It operates with the use of a knee lift rather than a foot pedal. I'll let you know how that goes! If nothing else, it's a beauty!! I really wanted to share pictures of this fabulous challenge they hosted. The quilts were fantastic!!
This was my favorite in the entire show, so I'm showing you this one first. The others were pretty amazing as well.
They also had on display another "challenge" from a small group called "Blockin' Robins". Their quilts were equally amazing, I thought.
This was not part of the challenge but I loved these little birds.
What great thought-provoking solutions everyone sent. The entire process was really interesting to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I opted to removed the incorrect sections from the bears paw block and resewed them. It probably took me about 5 minutes to "unsew" the offending sections and less than that to resew them back together.
Now they look "right" but I will admit that I think they were more interesting with the two sections going the "wrong" way. Now there's nothing to really get excited about in this block. Unless you look closely and see the little coping strips I added to make the sections the right size. VBG I also did get to a small block for the same project. I didn't have dark thread in either of my machines so I hand-sewed the center square (I opted to make it as a pinwheel with the center square appliquéd onto the center rather than use the templates offered!)
I was cutting the pieces for the next block at my cutting table and got a different view of random orphan blocks on my design wall. For some reason they called out to me to put them together as is! So I think that may be my next project when we get back to the cabin.
When I visited Cyndi Black's shop in Maine last month (The Busy Thimble), I bought some of her cheater cloth fabrics, which I believe were on her sale rack! I've seen some people use them on backings or as part of other quilts. I think they're lots of fun, and once they're quilted, I think they'll make nice donation quilts!
This will likely go on the back of the Moda Blockheads II that I've been making in red/white/blue. I'm even thinking I may give it to my son once he graduates from the Marine Officer's Reserve training at the end of the year.
This was on the back of one of the quilts in the teacher's tent at the Sister's Quilt show last month.
Several years ago when I used to go to Wisconsin regularly we visited a quilt shop which reproduced antique quilts into cheater cloths. It was done beautifully and artfully; I don't think it was inexpensive to reproduce, either. So I'm saying this so you won't poo-poo these cheater cloths. I think there's an art to reproducing them. I had bought a larger version of the squares a few years ago and had it quilted--I have to say with a flannel back, it's super comfy and looks awesome. Yesterday little Emma (who turns 7 today!) had her horse show at the camp she's attended this summer here in Bend. She's not a large child and the horse is plenty big so it's pretty impressive to see how well she handled Josey doing various maneuvers!
I'm off to Bend this morning for the local guild's quilt show (a few years ago I snagged the Rocketeer machine for $75 at the show!) so I'm sure I'll have some great quilts to show you, hopefully tomorrow. Our 3 weeks with the grandkids at our cabin is drawing to a close as we have to drive them back to SF on Monday for them to start school. We certainly loved our time with them. My dh and I, however, are returning after just a few days in California back to the cabin for the last vestiges of summer here in Central Oregon. The weather always changes right after Labor Day--very chilly mornings, which I just love. This was a sunset this past week! Have a great weekend.
I have never professed to be a perfect quilter; in fact, I have been known to chop off corners, add coping strips or other short-cuts to cure inaccuracies or imperfections. That's just my style. I just finished up the latest Cheddarback large block and put it on the design wall to take a picture and was somewhat disappointed to notice I made a mistake compared to what the original plan was.
So my question is whether you would fix the two little bears paws so that all 4 are the same or would you leave it as is? I'm not sure it'll be noticeable when the quilt is ultimately done; but the imperfect voice in me wonders if there's really a "right" way that has to control. I haven't decided yet...😆 I did finish this little block from the Moda Blockheads II that did turn out correctly. HAHA. I'm even happy with the curved piecing, which I am usually awful at! When I was at the little Sunriver quilt show last weekend, I shopped in the guild's little booth and picked up this adorable apron made out of old jeans. I love it, especially because I have an old pair of jeans that wore out and I think this is the perfect us for them. Isn't this just adorable? It's also perfect, I think, because when I cook, I'm always wiping my hands on my thighs!
Maybe I will get a little sewing done this week. We are on our third week with our grandkids staying with us at our cabin. They are now ALL riding bikes (I am proud to say that I taught all of them!) and want to go bike riding all the time. It's the perfect place to do that because we have miles of paved bike paths through the area. Life is good!! ;-)
I was lucky to be at the cabin at the time of the local guild's quilt show today. Earlier this week, in the local book store, there was a display of quilts made during a "thread challenge"! Quilters were given a spool of thread (usually a bright color) and each made a quilt using their threads. Here are a few of them.
Here are some quilts from the show in Sunriver:
The local guild had a block of the month and the quilts were displayed together. I think it is fun to see the same pattern with different fabrics!
A woman was selling her own patterns in a booth and I thought this would be perfect for a kid's donation quilt!
This is a raffle quilt and I won't be unhappy if I win it!